Not much to report today. It was a half day here at the high school and all of the students spent the morning in various classes (mainly English). So, our time at the high school comes to a quiet close. Most of the students are out enjoying a rainy Friday afternoon with their host families. I think a good handful of them are even off to see the new Harry Potter movie tonight...not sure if it will be in English or Japanese.
The weather here has started to become progrssively wetter. The past few nights have been filled with some heavy rain and lightning; today it's just been humid and soggy. The brunt of the typhoon (note that I didn't say "tsunami" this time) is supposed to hit mainland Japan sometime tonight or tomorrow. Take a look at the sattelite picture above, one can see the swirling storm just South of Japan...It should be an interesting weekend.
Snow, flooding, wind storms, power-outages, typhoons!? Mount Si just can't seem to catch a break this year!
I will be sure to keep everyone posted as the storm hits...I've been told repeatedly that the most we should see here in Naga is some intense wind and rain...nothing our kids can't handle. After all, when it comes to weather...we've seen just about all Mother Nature can throw at us.
Oddly enough, it seems as if the weather isn't going to be the major damper in our plans. As I'm sure Baloo has been informed--but he's probably asleep and all--the principal of Naga high school is dead. He died sometime today, I think. Dunno how.
So, because of it, our farewell party planned for tomorrow has been cancelled. Yeah...
Close...but not quite the facts. Be sure to check the most recent post for the official report.
Goddamned language barriers.
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