This message is mainly for students...Sadly, one of the vice principals at Naga High School tragically passed away today (not my host though...he is still alive and snoring loudly) from a brain annuerysm. Just to clarify, this individual was not someone any of us had met...he had been on a leave of absence (with complaints of headaches and dizziness) for a little over a week. As is Japanese custom, all weekend there will be memorial services held for him. As a result, our Sayonara party has been postponed until Monday morning at 8:30. So, the way the schedule now stands is that you've got the weekend with your host family and Monday morning we will have a shortened Sayonara party before we get on the bus to Osaka. I believe all of the host families have already been contacted with this new information...but, I figured I'd post it here as well just in case any of you were having difficulty understanding the translated message. So, sad news indeed...but do enjoy your final weekend in Naga. Be aware of the typhoon (we should just see some heavy wind and rain), and I will see everyone bright and early Monday morning!
Til then...
It`s Rachel`s fault!!!!!
Too early much?
But yeah, I hate the language barrier. I was all like "Oh ma gawd, the principal is dead! I just saw'd him!"
Then they just clarified that it was the "second principal". I was all like, "Vice-principal? WTF! Baloo is without a host-daddy now!"
And then I come to find that it wasn't either. Hot damn. I guess I'll see you Monday, Baloo.
Not too early.
Hello Mount Si
Leaving behind carnage and death in your wake???
Just FYI, the proper phrase for condolence is "go-shusho sama de gozaimasu". In case you need it.
Have fun at the party. It's raining in Seattle too, surprise..
Thanks for all the posts and pictures! It's hard to believe your trip's almost over -- I was still hoping for a small tsunami to cap it off.
George Potratz
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