Good news folks, I just got off the phone with Peggy at CHI and she informed me that she just received the official host family information straight from Japan. She was pretty excited and indicated that the amount of info they received today (although a bit last-minute), far exceeds what they usually get. There's pictures, letters (in both English and Japanese) and applications which include family member interests, etc. Even better news is that she is express mailing each one of you all the pertinent info...Keep your eyes peeled for a package arriving within the next couple of days.
Bonus points if you can remember the name of the celebrity postman pictured above
David Newell, a.k.a. Mr. McFeely
hey Goldhammer, this is Jordan Ratsch, I hope its not to late but i would like to make sure that you had my correct email. it is, gir_987@yahoo.com hope they havnt sent anything to my old house cause it would get sent to montana. i have been trying to contact them to tell them me new adress but i usually dont get off work untill they go home.
P.S. RIP Mr. Rogers
Could that be any later? Ah, better then never.
Mr. McFeely is the cartoon~
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