I promised I'd send another update as soon as I got any more info....well, it's late but some new facts have trickled in today. First, some additional materials have arrived from the fine folks over at CHI...everyone's medical forms, contact information, and behavior contracts (which I might add, everyone signed and agreed to follow) are in my hands and ready to go. That's the good news. What the packet still lacks however, is the final itinerary and the host family information. While I am confident that the itinerary will get to us before we take off, I've been informed that there is a chance (getting better everyday) that host families may not be assigned until after we leave--definitely not the best of circumstances, but manageable.
My hope is that everyone has had a chance to explore the website. Given that there are no new comments, I take it that the site is working for everyone. If not--if there are any strange bugs that are showing up--please let me know so I can take care of it all before we leave. I would love it if everyone got in the habit of checking the site on a regular basis. My plan is to aim for daily posts before we head out and then as often as possible while we are gone. This will be the place for all breaking news, updates, and group announcements. Check back often!
One more thing: I know it is short notice (and I will send out announcements in the morning), but I would love to meet with all the students tomorrow, directly after school for a quick meeting. Room 303, directly after school, it'll be quick....help spread the word.
See you then...
Hi folks!
Sensei here. Mr. Goldhammer and I took care of yen exchange, and buying the gift for Naga High yesterday. So, one less thing on the list.
Make sure you meet with Mr Goldhammer this afternoon! Cheers.
Mr. Goldhammer, What is the plan for the airport? Do we show up individually and meet before checking in for flight (are they checking in as a group), or do we check the kids in, check baggage and meet the group before security?
Thanks, Shirley Morris
I think it will be best if we meet before we check in and handle everything as a group. I'll have to take a closer look at our flight info to figure out how early we need to get to the airport. Once I get it all finalized, I'll be sure to let everyone know.
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